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At Arte, as a visual and oral encyclopedia of culture, Art and history, we are committed to freedom
of speech. All interviews and contents published by Arte are the views and opinions of their
protagonists. Arte accepts no responsibility for the truthfulness of these views. Interviews maybe
conflicting of one another. We promote diversity of opinions and are proud to have built a platform
that provides a basis for constructive criticism and dialogues. Arte does not verify, advise, or confirm
any particular view or opinion presented on this platform.

Throughout the interviews, the interviewees make reference to other masters who are no longer alive. ArtePedia will be a platform to gather and present information on those individuals while maintaining a holistic referencing system to the origin of the information

Artebox Podcasts

In each episode of the Artebox podcast, the life of one of the masters is narrated in his own words. We try to remember that contemporary history is a part of our identity, an identity that is being forgotten in the chaos of everyday life.

ArteCast is a radio production based on the lives and works of the contemporary artists and masters who have passed away.

The following collection is a Specialized Encyclopedia of Iran’s most prominent Cultural, Literary, Scientific and artistic personalities. Arte’s visual and verbal account of the contemporary art and culture of Iran focuses on the life, experience, works and personal narratives of these individuals from their own perspective, a verbal and visual autobiography that can benefit the present and the future of the Iranian society, and teach invaluable lessons to the younger generations.