Mohammad Bahmanbeigi

In October 28, 1954, Bahmanbeigi was chief of tribal education of the American program of Point Four in Shiraz, Iran. According to the confidential classified documents of the embassy of the United States in Tehran, Robert L. Funseth, American Vice Consul in Tabriz, reported to Bryant Buckingham American Consul in Isfahan:… more

“As a nomad I was expected to choose guns over books. But I chose education, became a teacher, and I set forth to educate the nomads. In this path, a few encouraged me, while most viewed the cause as trivial and unimportant,” writes Mohammad Bahman Beigi in his educational memories. Bahman Beigi was born in 1921 to a Qashqâi family in the province of Fârs, south of Iran… more

Mohammad Bahman Beigi est né en 1920 dans la tribu des Qâshqâ’i, dans le clan Amaleh, branche de Bahman Beiglou, famille de Mahmoud Khân-e-Kalântar [5], lors de migration… more

Born in the Qashqai Tribal Confederation and in the household of Mahmoud Khan Kalantar from the clan of Bahmanbeiglou and the Amaleh Tribe, Mohammad Bahmanbeigi began his life in 1921 and in a tent between Lar and Firuzabad during the migration of his tribe. He did not see or hear anything but gunshots and horse neighing when he was born. He spent his childhood living in Larestan in winter and Semirom in summer and did not spend even one single night in town or a normal town house. He was taught literacy by his family’s private secretary, Mirza Javad when he was a child. “My father hosted a stranger man from Shahr Reza, Esfahan and that man taught me and my sister basic things” he writes…. more

Official Facebook Page of Mohammad Bahmanbeigi…. more

Official Instagram Page of Mohammad Bahmanbeigi.. more