Parviz Meshkatian

Parviz Meshkatian (Persian: پرويز مشكاتيان; May 15, 1955 – September 21, 2009) was an Iranian musiciancomposer, researcher and university lecturer.more

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Parviz Meshkatian was born in 1955 in the city of Neishabour. He started his musical training at the age of six with his father, Hassan Meshkatian, who played tar, santoor and was also familiar with violin and setar…. more

Parviz Meshkātiān (Persian: پرویز مشکاتیان) (May 13, 1955 – September 21, 2009) was an Iranian musician, composer and legendary  player. Meshkatian was born in the year 1955 in the city of Neyshābūr…. more