Ahmad Samiei Gilani

Born in Tehran, the son of a mujtahid, Samii graduated in literature and got a master’s degree in linguistics at the University of Tehran.[1][2] A member of the Tudeh Party of Iran, he was imprisoned for two and a half years for his political activities.[1] He worked as a Dehkhoda Dictionary editor and collaborated with the Franklin Institute, the Institute for Cultural Studies and Research, and the Soroush publishing house.. more

Ahmad Samiei Gilani is the most famous editor in Iran and whose life span was in the 13th, 14th and 15th solar centuries (Iranian calendar)….more

Head of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature said at the funeral ceremony held for the late Iranian Scholar Ahmad Samiei Gilani… more

In a message, the President expressed condolences on the demise of Professor Ahmad Samiei Gilani, a veteran translator, writer, editor and director of the Department of Contemporary Literature.. more