Keykavous Jahandari


Keykavous Jahandari (born 1923 December 1 , in Kermanshah – died 2015 January 22, in Tehran) was an Iranian translator, writer, and researcher. Keykavous Jahandari held various positions including management, deputy management, and presidency of Library No. 2 of the Islamic Consultative Assembly (former Senate).

Keykavous Jahandari was born on December 9, 1302, in Kermanshah. He began his life journey in Tehran Technical High School, also known as the “German Technical School”, where he developed an interest in the German language. After the outbreak of World War II, the German school was also closed, and Jahandari continued his education at Firouz Bahram High School. After completing his general education, he entered Tehran University and graduated in foreign languages from the Faculty of Literature and Humanities in 1328. He worked for a while at the library of the Faculty of Literature at Tehran University. From 1334 to 1345, for 11 years, he served as the deputy head of the parliament library (former Senate), and then held the position of its director until before the Iranian Revolution. In 1339, for a period of 6 months, he traveled to Germany at the invitation of Frankfurt University and taught Persian language there. He also served as the director of the Foreign Resources Department of the Great Islamic Encyclopedia Center for a period.

Keykavous Jahandari was hospitalized due to a respiratory illness and passed away on the second day of Bahman 1393 in Tehran.

Keykavous Jahandari is one of the prominent Iranian translators who translated numerous books from German and English into Persian. He, along with other great translators such as Ahmad Aram, Najaf Darayabandari, and Mohammad Qazi, has made a significant contribution to introducing selected world works to Iranians through accurate translation and fluent writing style. Some of his notable translations include:

– “Desert Fox” by Herman Hesse, published by Ketab Translation and Publication, 1346.
– “About the Iranian Monarchy” by Albert Camus, published by the National Works Society, 1350.
– “Camus Travelogue” by Albert Camus, published by Kharazmi Publications, 1363.
– “Bloscher Travelogue” by Vipert von Bloscher, published by Kharazmi Publications, 1363.
– “Under the Burning Sun” (Memoirs of Niedermayer) by Oscarfon Niedermayer, published by Tarikh-e Iran, 1363.
– “Polak Travelogue” by Jacob Edward Polak, published by Kharazmi Publications, 1368.
– “Shah Ismail II Safavi” by Walter Heintz, published by Scientific and Cultural Publications, 1371.
– “Historical Geography of Fars” by Paul Schwartz, published by the Association of Cultural Works and Monuments, 1373.
– “Train Arrives on Time” by Heinrich Böll, published by Cheshmeh, 1377.
– “Billiards at Half Past Nine” by Heinrich Böll, published by Soroush, 1377.
– “Formation of National Government in Iran” by Walter Heintz, published by Kharazmi Publications, 1378.
– “Lost Worlds” by Ann Terry White, published by Scientific and Cultural Publications, 1380.
– “Foundations of Sassanian History” by Klaus Schippmann, published by Farzan-e Rooz, 1384.
– “Rome and Iran” by Albert Winter – Berta Dignass, published by Farzan-e Rooz, 1386.
– “Classification of Iranian Stories” by Ulrich Marzolf, published by Soroush.
– Translation of an article by Seyed Hassan Taqizadeh on Iranian chronology from German into Persian, included in the book “Twenty Articles by Taqizadeh”, translation of thirteen works from English and French into Persian by Professor Ahmad Aram.

  • Birthday: 1923 December 1 
  • Death: 2015 January 22
  • Birthplace: Kermanshah, Kermanshah, Iran

Translator, Writer and Researcher

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