Mirza Agha Tabrizi

Mirza Agha Tabrizi (Persianمیرزا آقا تبریزی) was a 19th-century Iranian[1] civil servant and writer. He is noted for being the author of four comedies, which, for a long period of time had erroneously been attributed to the diplomat and advocate of modernization Mirza Malkam Khan (died 1908)… more

ĀQĀ TABRĪZĪ, MĪRZĀ, 19th-century civil servant and writer, whose chief claim to notice is the authorship of four comedies for long erroneously attributed to Mīrzā Malkom Khan. Little is known of his life. In a letter written in 1288/1871 to Mīrzā Fatḥ-ʿAlī Āḵūndzāda—the source of his dramaturgical inspiration—he says that he was born to one Mīrzā Mahdī Monšī-bāšī in Tabrīz…more

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