Kianoush Ayari

Kianoush Ayari (Persianکیانوش عیاری; born May 14, 1951) is an Iranian director and screenwriter.[1] He is famous for his realistic style and unique stories like heart transplantation in his movie To Be or Not to Be (1998)… more

Kianoush Ayari was born on 14 May 1951 in Ahvaz, Khuzestan, Iran. He is an editor and director, known for The Abadanis (1993)more

Kianoush Ayari is a director and screenwriter who was born in 1951 in Ahvaz, Iran. He began his career as film critic, editor and screenwriter. In 1970 he joined the Ahvaz Free Cinema Group and has won Silver Leopard… more

Ayari movies at MUBI… more

Kianoush Ayari ( کیانوش عیاری ) is an Iranian editor, writer, producer and director. Born in Ahwaz in 1951, Ayari began his film career in 1970…more

Ayari Biography and movies at Filimo… more

Ayari Biography and Movies at Manzoom….more

YouTube – Part of the Screening Program – Discussion of the Film The Paternal House with the Presence of Kianoush Ayari, Director, and Javad Tousi, Critic and Writer….more

YouTube -Apparatchi 65 – with Kianoush Ayari….more

YouTube – Kianoush Ayari: “Many of my dreams were shattered…”….more

Paprika Podcast – Kianoush Ayari….more