Bagher Parham
a collection of articles)Language and philosophy
Bahamnegari Va Yektanegari
currents in sociological thought
Etudes sur les classes sociales
From Ferdowsi's point of view - the basics of criticism of political wisdom in Iran
Grundrisse foundations of the critique of political economy - Volume 1
Grundrisse foundations of the critique of political economy - Volume 2
Hanry Corbin. la topographic spirituelle de I'Islam Iranien
Histoire de la philosophie au XXe siècle
In understanding Hegel's thought
Interoduction a'la philosophie de I'histoire de Hegel
L aventura de Miguel Littin, clandestion au chili
la positivite de la religion chretienne
Le Cinema
Le malheur de la conscience dans la philosophie de Hegel
Le Tombeau de sadegh Hedayat
Lettres de Russie - la Russie en 1839
L'ordre du discours
Natural right and history
Phanomenologie des Geistes
Principles of Sociology
Society and government
Studies in the works of classical sociologists - Volume 1
Studies in the works of classical sociologists - Volume 2
The Civil war in France the Paris coommune, 1871
The class struggles in France from 1848 to 1850
The division of labor in society
The eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life
The thought of existence