Rahi Mo'ayyeri

Rahi Mo’ayeri ( رهی معیری in Persian) (April 30, 1909 – November 15, 1968) né: Mohammad Hasan Mo’ayyeri (محمد حسن معیری in Persian), was an Iranian poet and musician…. more

Rahi Moayyeri Books at Amazon…. more

Speaker(s): Ms. Haleh Saei Barzegar
Life and Legacy of a Persian Poet & Musician, Rahi Moayeri… more

Books at Ketab.com…. more

Abnormality is one of the practical methods in composing poetry and conveying the concepts hidden in it, and many poets have used this method to convey their intentions. The norm-breaking poet succeeds in creating artistic pleasure with the aim of literary resurrection in poetry. Examining the degree of abnormality in the poetry of contemporary poets shows the extent of their ability to highlight words…. more


Topics discussed in this study, “Analysis of expression in poetry Rahi Mo’ayyeri industry” is. The aim of this study is the identification of functional forms of cucumbers in the poems of Rahi Mo’ayyeri. Rahi imagination and Illustrations range is very wide. He is Tansth expression of all industry and serves…. more