Karim Mojtahedi
La Chute d'Alamout
A look at new and contemporary philosophies in the western world
Kant's critical philosophy
About Hegel and his philosophy
Descartes and his philosophy
Dostoevsky, works and thoughts
Dunes Scotus and Kant according to Heidegger
Familiarity of Iranians with new Western philosophies
Introduction to Almashaer
Islamic and Western schools and universities in the Middle Ages
Hegel's thoughts
Late Platonists
Leibniz and the interpreters of his philosophy
Philosophy in Germany
Logic from Hegel's point of view
Suhrawardi and thoughts
Mongols and Iran's cultural destiny
Philosophy in the period of cultural revival of the West
Philosophy and literature
Kant's thoughts
Famous European teachers in the Middle Ages
Phenomenology of the soul according to Hegel
Philosophy and culture
Philosophy in the Middle Ages
The philosopher is a student
Philosophy and modernity
Philosopher teacher
Lasting faces
Philosophy of history
Seyyed Jamaluddin Asadabadi and New Thoughts
The pain of philosophy, the lesson of philosophy
Kant, Controvercy among Commentetors
Acknowledgment of Elite Foundation
Acknowledgment of the Association of Cultural Works and Honors
Appreciation certificate of Islamic Wisdom Foundation
Appreciation of lasting face
Award of Farabi International Festival
Certificate of appreciation from UNESCO
Certificate of appreciation of Isfahan Municipal Cultural and Recreational Organization
Certificate of appreciation of the Academy of Sciences
Certificate of appreciation of the Broadcasting Organization