Masoumeh Mozaffari
College Paintings
Exhibition of 1999
Exhibition of 2004
Acrylic and Pastel (1)
Acrylic and Pastel (2)
Acrylic and Pastel (3)
Acrylic and Pastel (4)
Acrylic and Pastel (5)
Acrylic and Pastel (6)
Acrylic and Pastel (7)
Acrylic and Pastel (8)
Acrylic and Pastel (9)
Acrylic and Pastel (10)
Acrylic and Pastel (11)
Acrylic and Pastel (12)
Acrylic and Pastel (13)
Acrylic and Pastel (14)
Exhibition of 2005
Exhibition of 2008
Exhibition of 2009
Masks - 2003
Acrylic and Pastel (1)
Acrylic and Pastel (2)
Acrylic and Pastel (3)
Acrylic and Pastel (4)
Acrylic and Pastel (5)
Acrylic and Pastel (6)
Acrylic and Pastel (7)
Acrylic and Pastel (8)
Acrylic and Pastel (9)
Acrylic and Pastel (10)
Acrylic and Pastel (11)
Acrylic and Pastel (12)
Acrylic and Pastel (13)