Mohammad-Ali Eslami Nodooshan
A man who did not forget Iran
Avaha va Imaha
Farrokhi Yazdi Diwan
Four spokespersons of Iran's conscience
Green garden of love
Iran and Greece in the ancient context
Iran and its loneliness
Life and death of heroes in Shahnameh
Lust for life - a novel of Vincent van Gogh
Marz-haye Napeyda
Rah va Bi-rah
Rostam and Esfandiar in Shahnameh
Safir-e Simorgh
Sarv-e Sayeh Fekan
Saying we can't, not saying we can't
Shahrazad the storyteller
The future victory of democracy
The spleen of Paris - little poems on prosc
We said and we didn't say
What does Iran have to say
Yesterday, today, tomorrow