Abolghasem Payandeh

Abolghasem Payandeh at Farsi Wikipedia… more

Abolghasem Payandeh owes much of his fame to his valuable translation of The Holy Quran as well as his journalistic works. As an Isfahani story-telling writer, however, he has not been accounted for in the literary history of Iran. His stories mainly follow the structure of the writings of the past and are somehow apart from the modern storytelling experience. The settings of his stories usually are weak and ineffective, except some few examples. The stories are mainly character-based and their themes are usually linked to the relationships among human beings…. more

Irony is a type of lyric which aims at modifying the disorganizations by picturing and criticizing the disadvantages and deficits of the society. In this regard, they can be considered as the most effective type of criticism. This method of expressing is not the result of prejudice or hatred, but it is a critical review on various disadvantages in the society which is mentioned in a special kind of language accompanied by laughter resulted from sorrow and sadness…. more