Nima Petgar

Nima Petgar was born on November 22, 1946 in Tehran. His father, Ali Asghar Petgar, was a famous painter and worked in the style of realism. Nima learned drawing from her father. His father, besides painting, had close relations with people of literature and opened a workshop on Manochehri Street in Tehran, which became a meeting place for many poets and writers, including Shahriar, Nima Yoshij, Sadegh Hedayat and Bozor Alavi. Communicating with prominent figures of literature was also influential in the life of Nima Petgar and her brothers. As a result, he became one of the painters who had a close relationship with people of literature. After learning design from his father, he started teaching free art classes from 1334. In 1347, he traveled to Italy for academic studies. In 1348, he entered the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome in the field of sculpture and studied the art of sculpture and ink drawing under the supervision of his teacher, Emilio Greco. He graduated from Rome Academy of Fine Arts in 1352. In 1353-1354, he completed the figure drawing course and in 1354-1355, he completed the painting course and returned to Iran in 1355. All these years, he was busy creating works and teaching in his art studio. In 1344-1383, Nima Petgar organized more than forty group exhibitions inside and outside of Iran.
Like his older brother, Nami, and under the influence of his father, he started painting in the realist style common in the 1930s, but later on, especially after studying at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, he turned to a more modern and abstract style and methods. This transformation can also be seen in the works of his older brother. Themes of history and myth and phenomena of existence with philosophical themes are the characteristics of Nima Petger’s works.
Petgar did not have a prominent presence in art gatherings and media, but years of teaching painting and sculpture and producing works of art and presenting works in domestic and foreign exhibitions established his influential and valuable position in Iranian art. Five paintings by Nima Petgar are in the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, one is in the Abadan Museum of Contemporary Art, and a plaster Sardis signed in 1351 is in the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.
Some of his works are with collectors inside and outside the country, and some of his works, including a poet and a painter, another painting from the collection of roots, a work from the collection of faces of the greats, and another work from the collection of history belonging to the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Tehran, and a painting from the collection of roots in Abadan Museum of Contemporary Arts is maintained.
Nima Petgar died due to a cardiac arrest on March 25, 2015 at the age of 68 in Tehran and was buried in Behesht Zahra’s artists’ plot 22.
- Birthday: 22 Nov 1946
- Death: 25 Mar 2015
- Birthplace: Tehran, Tehran, Iran