Keivan Saket

Keivan Saket (Persianکیوان ساکت) (born 1961 in Mashhad) is an Iranian composer and university professor and Tar and Setar Player, and author of 12 books for Tar and Setar….. more

Albums by Keivan Saket – Shazam… more


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Born in 1960 in Mashad, Iran, Mr. Kayvan Saket’s musical experience began during his elementary school years while performing with the Music Workshop on national Iranian television. He received musical instruction on the “tar” from his uncle, Mr. Manoucher Zamanian, upon reaching adolescence where he showed promising signs of a future and… more

Albums at Spotify.. more

Immanent Hands: Keivan Saket, Tar and Setar Player – YouTube.. more


Dorehami – An Interview – YouTube… more

Medrick Talks- An Interview – YouTube… more