Ghobad Shiva


Shiva, Ghobad (born in Hamedan January 24, 1941) graphic designer, art manager, environmental designer, chosen member of the International Association of Graphic Designers (AGI), chosen member of the International Organization of WMOC as the world Master 2011, for the first time in Britannica, 2007 recording the school of specified graphic with the Iranian character and Honorary member of Iran Guild Association of Graphic Designers. Educations 1. Graduated from Tehran University, Faculty of Fine Arts in the field of painting, 1966 2. Passing the Course of Management in Iran Industrial Management Organization, 1971 3. Graduated from the New York University of Pratt, in the field of Communicative Designing Sciences, 1980 4. Receiving the first-grade art certification from the Plastic Arts Centers, 2010 Jobs and Positions 1. Designer of the Center of Ziba Propaganda Organization, 1961 2. Designer of Gooya Propaganda Organization, 1962 3. Designer of Pars Americ, 1964 4. Member of the Founders of Qandriz Iran Gallery, 1964 5. Designer and Graphic Artist of Talash Journal, 1966 6. Designer and Graphic Artist of the Industries and Mines Room, 1966 7. Founder of the Graphic Department in Iran National Radio and Television, 1967 8. Supervisor of the Graphic Department of Iran National Radio and Television, 1971 9. Designer of “Design” Journal and Pentagram Graphic Institute, London, 1974 10. Paris March Journal Designer, Paris, 1975 11. Designer of Milton Glazer Atelier, New York, 1980 12. from 1981 cooperation with the deceased Herb Lubalin, Alen Snapiro and Wucis Wong in the field of training the principals of designing in the School of Art and Literature of Children and Young Adults. 13. From 1982 he started to teach graphic in the Faculty of Radio and Television (Voice and Picture); Tehran University, Faculty of Fine Arts; Art University, Art Faculty of Azzahra University and Azad University and Azad University, Faculty of Art and Architecture 14. From 1985-1993 art manager of Soroosh Publication affiliated to Radio and Television, 15. Member of Managing Board of Guild Association of Iran Graphic Designers, Member of the Judging board for choosing the best graphic artists in Iran Biennale Graphic Designing, 1997. Manager of Qobad Shiva Cultural-Art Center Works 1. Designing more than 300 posters in the field of culture and business both for domestic and aboard organizations 2. Designing more than 100 signs and brands for the domestic and abroad organizations 3. Designing and art managing of various journal including Talash, Tamasha, English Soroosh, Iran Zamin, Iran, Hands and the Images, Iran Handwoven Carpet, Tourism, Homa and Iran Garment 4. Illustrating for various texts 5. Book designing and designing the cover of books 6. Designing of cultural and trading bulletins and brochures 7. Environmental designing and urban beautifying 8. Designing the fair pavilions 9. Scene designing for various programs and television theaters Among the marginal professional activities one can refer to: combining educational leaflets in the field of graphic art, press interviews and live speeches and T.V. interviews, teaching art in various faculties, member of the founder board and membership in the membership in the managing board of Iran Guild Association of Graphic Designers, programming for Iran Graphic Biennales and founder of the First International Tehran Poster Biennale, member of the founding board of Art Association of Iran Graphic artists and some activities in the field of graphic and environmental designing and designing for fairs and exhibitions. Present Activities Manager of the Cultural and Artistic Institute of Qobad Shiva Holding open educational classes in the field of Plastic Arts Exhibitions 1. Painting exhibition in the Tehran University, Faculty of Fine Arts, 1962 2. Participating in the 3rd Tehran Painting Biennale, 1962 3. Painting exhibition in Iran Gallery, 1964 4. Street painting exhibition in Saba Gallery, 1965 5. Painting exhibition in Iran Gallery, 1965 6. Photography exhibition in Qandriz Gallery, 1966 7. Poster and illustrating exhibition in Qandriz Gallery, 1972 8. Participating in Graphic exhibition in Nice, France, 1973 9. Participating in the 1st, Tehran International Art, 1974 10. Displaying graphic works in the gallery of the Faculty of Printing, London, 1974 11. Graphic works exhibition in the Paper Point Gallery, London, 1974 12. Participating in the painting exhibition of the Group of Free Artists as the guest, 1976 13. An exhibition for introducing “50 Years Iran Graphic Art”, Mehrshah Gallery, 1976 14. Participating in the 7th Warsaw International Graphic Biennale, Poland, 1977 15. Participating in the 8th Brno International Graphic Biennale, Czech, 1977 16. Poster exhibition in Tehran Contemporary Art Museum under the title of “Iran Art Poster Exhibition”, 1977

  • Birthday: 24.01.1941
  • Birthplace: Hamedan, Hamedan, Iran
  • Interview date: 09.05.2015 – 29.05.2015

Painter and Graphic Designer

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