Ehsan Tabari

Ehsan Tabari (Persianاحسان طبری; 8 February 1917 – 29 April 1989) was an Iranian philosopher, poet, and a literary giant who played a major role in modernization in literature and cultural enlightenment in the twentieth century in Iran. He also fostered a deep understanding of Marxist philosophy in Iran. A founding member and theoretician of the Tudeh Party of Iran, he was an active participant in the advancement of the political process whose aim was social progress and elimination of economic disparity in twentieth-century Iran… more

Ehsan Tabari;s Articles at Noormags….more

The Marxist narrative of Iranian history around the 1960s and 1970s was strongly influenced by the rise of the Marxist historical school in the Soviet Union, which narrated the history of Iran within Marxist theoretical-conceptual frameworks. Ehsan Tabari… more

Books at Paanbeh… more

Ehsan Tabari’s critical approach to the archaic ideology of the Pahlavi government is an ideological, hostile and militant confrontation that has meaning in the discourse and political atmosphere of Iran in this period. Tabari tries to challenge the official archaic discourse of the Pahlavi government… more

I am Ehsan Tabari, 67 years old, and a former member of the disbanded Tudeh Party, a former member of the political board and the board of secretaries, in charge of the ideological branch, and I am currently in prison. Due to a stroke… more

The Iranian intellectual tradition is influenced by modernity in defining and producing the boundaries of its identity, and by accepting the authority of the values and elements of modernity, it influenced the socio-political developments of twentieth century Iran… more

The Marxist narrative of Iranian history around the 1960s and 1970s was strongly influenced by the rise of the Marxist historical school in the Soviet Union, which narrated the history of Iran within Marxist .. more

Publisher: Sokhan
Place of Pub.Tehran
Year of Pub.2009
Binding:hardcover… more

Book at Goodreads… more

BBC – Faraj Sarkoohi – Ehsan Tabari: A Creative Thinker or a Theorist of Dogmatic Beliefs?… more

AsreIran – Ehsan Tabari: How a Prominent Theorist Renounced Marxism and Became a “Great Servant of the Islamic System”… more (Articles on Ehsan Tabari)… more

Magiran (Articles on Ehsan Tabari)… more

Noormags (Articles on Ehsan Tabari)… more

Elmnet (Articles on Ehsan Tabari)… more