Bayazid Mardoukhi

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Dr. Bayazid Mardokhi was born in July 1942 in a large family including four sisters and three brothers in the city of Sanandaj. At the age of six, he entered 15 Bahman primary school in Sanandaj, continued his education in Hedayat high school, and obtained a mathematics diploma in Razi high school in Sanandaj with a high average and was immediately accepted into the national entrance exam of Tehran University. Then he graduated from the Faculty of Law and Political and Economic Sciences in the field of Economics. After obtaining his bachelor’s degree, he completed his military service in the Development and Development Corps in the Kermanshah Economy Department, and during this time he got to know the industries of Kermanshah, Kurdistan, and Hamedan and provided them with services. After the end of his military service and acceptance in a national competition to continue studying abroad and train specialist staff for the organization of the program, he was sent to the University of Maryland in the United States of America and completed a course in higher economic management. Upon returning to Iran, after five specialized interviews with the organization’s officials, he was accepted as an expert in industrial economics and worked in the management of industries and mines of that organization. Then he continued his Ph.D. in economics at Tehran University’s Faculty of Economics, which had been separated and independent from the Faculty of Law for several years. At the same time, at the request of the Faculty of Economics, he designed and compiled a course called “Industry Economics” and another course called “Industry Policy and Planning” for the master’s degree in economics, and from 1367 to 1385 he continuously taught them in Tehran’s economics faculties and universities. Allameh Tabataba’i and Tabriz were in charge. Dr. Mardukhi had two daughters and one son in his family life. Unfortunately, he lost his wife and third child (Rozhan), 5 years old, in a traffic accident on the Sanandaj road in Hamadan. Dr. Mardokhi’s eldest daughter (Kay Lan) has a master’s degree in economics from Allameh Tabatabai University, and his son (Zhian) has a master’s degree in economics from Tehran University’s Faculty of Economics and a doctorate in economics from UBC University, Canada, and is currently engaged in teaching and research.

  • Birthday: July 1942
  • Birthplace: Sanandaj, Kurdistan, Iran
  • Interview date: 15.02.2022 – 24.02.2022

Economic Adviser to the Planning and Budget

Parviz Piran

Abdolhossein Nikgohar

Alinaghi Mashayekhi

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